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ABBYY Cashback & Discount Code Deals

Save money when you shop at ABBYY through Backify in UK!

Cashback levels

  • 15%
  • 7.5%
    ABBY FineReader 15

Cashback is not eligible for the following items: ABBYY FineReader Engine CLI for Linux, ABBYY Recognition Server, ABBYY FineReader Server, ABBYY Screenshot Reader, ABBYY Lingvo, ABBYY Business Card Reader, ABBYY FineScanner, shipping costs, backup media, and download services (download insurance).


World Class, World Renowned. Recognized as a leader in OCR, PDF and data capture, ABBYY has won over 250 major awards. ABBYY’s software is used and trusted by millions of users – enriching lives and empowering individuals and organizations worldwide.

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