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IHG Hotels & Resorts Cashback & Discount Code Deals

Save money when you shop at IHG Hotels & Resorts through Backify in UK!

Cashback is not eligible for the following, Employee rate, Friends and Family Rate, Rewards Nights, Chase Free Night, and Groups and Meetings rate.

Cashback is also not eligible for the following brands, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Kimpton properties in AMER, military properties, and Six Senses.

About IHG Hotels & Resorts

IHG Hotels & Resorts is an international hotel company whose hotels welcome over 150 million guests each year to over 900,000 rooms in more than 6,000 hotels & resorts globally across 100+ countries. Their 16 hotel brands include some of the best-known and most popular in the world. With all that choice you'll never miss a good deal!

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