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Choice Hotels Cashback & Promo Code Deals

Save money when you shop at Choice Hotels through Backify in US!

Cashback is not eligible rooms booked at rates below $40 per night, hotel-initiated promotions, reward night stays, complimentary rooms, rooms paid for as part of a convention or meeting, rooms booked through a travel agent or third-party online retailer/online travel agencies, wholesale packages, group tours, and stays booked using the employee discount or the friends, family and associate discount.

Cashback is not eligible for stays at vacation rental property locations and in hotel properties located in Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway and Sweden.

About Choice Hotels

Choice Hotels provides a variety of affordable accommodations across the U.S. and internationally. With a network of brands offering comfort and convenience, it’s a great choice for business or leisure travelers looking for reliable stays at competitive prices.

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